When you are purchasing a property, it is very important to get it surveyed to make sure that you would not be required to pay a lot of money on the repair and maintenance of the property in future. If this is the case, you can negotiate the price after properly evaluating the property through land and building surveyors. These are the professional companies ready to give you evaluation services on charging nominal fees and this is how people secure their investment and make good purchase decision. There are many benefits of surveying the building because if the building is old, there is a possibility that there could be several issues that need to be addressed and if you are not in a position to evaluate the property yourself, you should always hire the experts in this regard.
What if you are not in the country?
When you are making investments in Miras (ميراس) in Dubai and you are not present there, you have two options:
• Take a real estate visa and visit the building yourself to ensure the quality
• Hire professional and reputed surveyors to make sure that everything is fine
The best thing about Dubai property is that there is a new visa introduced just for the purpose of real estate evaluation. This visa is given for 6 months and people come from different parts of the world and stay in Dubai to make a good purchase decision. If you are not into this visa or have no spare time to come yourself, you can always hire professional services and can get the deal negotiated through these service providers. Many عقارات الاماراتofficers have this facility in house and you can rely on them for the complete execution of your deal including land and building survey.